Erica DuPont’s Psychotherapy Research


Ad Hoc Reviewer, Depression and Anxiety (2003)


Roth, D. A., Storch, E. A., Coles, M., Heimberg, R. G., Moser, J. S., & Bravata, E. A. The experience of childhood teasing: Possible long-term effects on psychological and interpersonal functioning in adulthood. E. A. Storch and A. Grills (Co-chairs), Does bullying cause adjustment problems? New findings and future directions. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavioral Therapy, Boston, MA.

Storch, E. A., Roberti, J. W., Bravata, E.A., Storch, J. B., & Roth, D. A.Psychosocial adjustment in early adulthood: The role of childhood teasing and father support. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavioral Therapy, Boston, MA.

Roth, D. A., Coles, M. E., Storch, E. A., Heimberg, R. G., & Bravata, E. A. (March, 2003). The experience of childhood teasing: How is it related to psychological and interpersonal functioning in adulthood? Poster presented at the annual meeting of Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Toronto, Canada.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bravata, E. A., Storch, E. A., & Storch, J. B. (2003). Correlations among symptoms of depression and problematic eating patterns in intercollegiate athletes. Psychological Reports, 93, 1243-1246.

Roberti, J. W., Storch, E. A., & Bravata, E. A. (2003). Further psychometric support for the Sensation Seeking Scale – Form. Journal of Personality Assessment, 81, 291-292.

Killiany, E. M., Storch, E. A., Bravata, E. A., & Storch, J. B. (2003). Religious faith and depressive symptoms among American undergraduate students: No association. Index of Null Effects and Replication Failures.

Storch, E. A., Roth, D., Roberti, J. W., Bravata, E. A., Storch, J. B., & Johnson, J. H. (2003). Psychosocial adjustment in early adulthood: The role of childhood teasing and father support. Child Study Journal, 33, 153-164.

Storch, E. A., Roth, D. A., Coles, M. E., Heimberg, R.G., Bravata, E. A., & Moser, J. (2004). The measurement of impact of childhood teasing in a sample of young adults. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 18, 681-694.

Roberti, J. W., Storch, E. A., & Bravata, E. A. (2004). Sensation seeking exposure to psychosocial stressors and body modifications in a college population. Personality and Individual Differences, 37, 1167-1177.

Storch, E. A., Roberti, J. W., Bravata, E. A., & Storch, J. B. (2004). Strength of religious faith: A comparison of intercollegiate athletes and non-athletes.Pastoral Psychology, 52, 485.

Storch, E. A., Roberti, J. W., Bravata, E. A., & Storch, J. B. (2004). Psychometric investigation of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire Short-Form. Pastoral Psychology, 52, 479.

Storch, E. A., Kovacs, A. H., Roberti, J. W., Bailey, L. M., Bravata, E. A., & Storch, J. B.(2004). Strength of religious faith and psychosocial adjustment in intercollegiate athletes. Psychological Reports, 94, 48-50.

Storch, E. A., Roberti, J. W., Heidgerken, A., Lewin, A., Killiany, E. M., Baumeister, A. L., Bravata, E. A., Geffken, G. R., & Storch, J. B. (2004). The Duke Religion Index: A psychometric investigation. Pastoral Psychology, 53, 175.

*Please note that Bravata, E.A., is now DuPont, E.A.